Wednesday, November 17, 2004

South of Heaven

I didn't get lost going to Portland last night!
Actually, I learned that there are two parallel highways that go to Portland.
The "Good 95", and the "Evil 95".
The "Good 95", goes right next to Portland , and it is not unlike seeing the Emerald City at the end of the Yellow Brick Road.
There are, in fact, lights in this city. You can't miss it!

The "Evil 95", makes you give sacrifices of pieces of silver about every 10 miles, and ultimately, sends you off thru a dark haunted forrest that renders your compasses useless, and forbids you from seeing the lights of the city.
it was the "Good 95", that led me to the Emerald City, last night, to see SLAYER in concert... Again!
They kicked my ass!
My ears stopped bleeding this morning, and the ringing stopped sometime this afternoon.
I only slept 4 hours, and then worked a 9 hour day.
Still, it was a beautiful thing!

Tomorrow I rest.
Tonight, I party.
North of Portland.
South of Heaven!

Being me?
It don't suck!

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