Sunday, March 13, 2005


I remember the first time a spanking didn't hurt.
Don't get the impression that I was beat, mistreated, or had an unhappy childhood. I wasn't and I didn't.
None the less, corporal punishment was in effect.
Now, there are two things that can be as bad as a good whipping.
The first is waiting in the wood shed till ,"Your father gets home!"
The second is seeing him walk towards you "cracking" his belt.
(cracking the belt is where you fold a leather belt in half, then holding each end firmly you make a loud cracking noise by pushing the two ends together and quickly pulling them away from each other.)
So, anyway...
I did the "waiting", suffered the "cracking" and was ready to receive my punishment.
The crime was for having been moved to another desk in school because of talking in class.
(I know, how dare I.)
Down came the belt.
Then again.
And again, and again.
I don't remember how many times.
What I do remember is that it didn't hurt.
(Should I tell him?)
I felt like I had received some super power that protected me from pain in the lower extremity.
I think I smiled.
I also remember thinking that maybe I should fake pain to conceal my new power.
I would have to fain suffering, and be believably regretful.
I mustn't let my secret out.
From here on, I thought to myself, life is going to be smooth sailing!
I can do anything!
(Oh, don't worry. I didn't turn into a super villain or anything. They were already working on new forms of punishment to keep me honest.)
But that was the last time it hurt.
A funny thing though...
Later that day he apologized, saying he found out that it was another kids fault, not mine, and why didn't I say something in my defense?
(Because, I thought I was getting the belt for something else that I did do!)
Still, I kept my secrets.
How to get out of being grounded?

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