Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Double Bubble

I went into the village yesterday as I do every Monday.
That's where I work.
Also, I receive my mail in a post box there.
It's safer than the beat up mail box at the end of my road.
As previously etablished, it's a little over a mile from my castle to the main road and the postal carriers are afraid to travel thru the haunted Forrest.
Hence, the post box in the village.
Now back to the story at hand.
In my post box were two things that would brighten any mood.
and my tickets to
This was especially good timing as my co-worker was home ill, and Mondays are very busy for two of us.
I dreaded having to go the day without her.
A little bit because we're a good team,
but A LOT because it's fun to be with her!
The day went without disaster though.
I was with full life force!
And with the added energy of the NIN tickets in one pocket, and a heap of cash in the other,
I managed the 10 hour shift without effort.
Well, that's a lie.
It took a lot of effort!
That just sounds more noble and poetic, ha.
I'm not out of the woods yet.
It's Tuesday morning now and time to do it again!
Toil and Trouble!

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