Saturday, November 12, 2005

Nice Daze

Folks sho nuff likes to tell ya how nice a day it is!
The nicer the day, the more they want to tell you about it.
I work in a cave of a shop in a large old brick building, and as soon as someone comes in they say,"It is such a beautiful day out there! What are you doing in here?"
I mean, "Duh! I work here!"
"Do you know how nice it is outside? We could use more days like this! Can you believe how beautiful a day it is? You should be outside enjoying this beautiful day!"
"SHUT UP!, and go have your nice day"
The funny thing is, when the weather is real nasty, they never say anything like, "You sure are lucky to be inside on a day like this! It sure must be nice to be dry and warm."
Nope. It's more like, "I got soaked just running from my car to your door! I have to drive all the way home in this snow storm. Me, me, me, me, Me!"
The same people come to shop on one of them bank holidays when a lot of businesses are closed, but we are open for their convenience.
They always say, "Why are you open today? It's a holiday!"
So, why are you shopping? Shouldn't you be out there having a nice day?
People just gotta rub it in.
So, I say to you, "Have a nice day.
No, Really. Enjoy it!"
Because I'm going to find out where you work and visit you on my day off,
and if it's a nice day...
you can bet your ass I'm gonna tell you about it!
"Have a nice day."

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