Friday, October 14, 2005

Planet Dandy "Year One" Complete

Wow, I just realized that it has been a whole year since I started the Planet Dandy Blogs!
Happy anniversary to Me! haha
This year seems like it passed so fast.
I've made a few new friends, and gotten back in touch with a lot of old friends as well.
I've written about everything from Gwar shows, to alien invasions.
(not that there's much difference there.)
I've written about my cat.
Changes in the seasons, extreme weather, Feeders, Spores, Nine Inch Nails, Slayer, and Flying Jellyfish.
What else could I possibly find to write about?
I wonder.
This next year will tell!
As of this writing, 1,371 visits.
I really should've collected a dollar at the door!
Thanx for your visits and your comments.
Planet Dandy Loves You!

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