Sunday, October 24, 2004


I was trying to think of a profound revelation that I could share. Something to make you think . Or, at least make you believe that I can think.
I guess you can't rush something like that, and have it be real. So, let me tell you what happened to me last night. At least maybe you can think I'm cool.
About 10 years ago, on Mtv, there was this show called "Squirt TV". It was hosted by this funny, 15 year old kid named Jake. The show also featured Frankie, another kid, as a regular .
Every show had the coolest guests. Every one from Kevin Smith, to Beck , Liz Phair, and the Beastie Boys. (even Gilbert Godfried)
Anyway, I got a kick out of it!
On one show he showed off this box of W-Tips. "They are just like Q-Tips, except, they're W-Tips." I still laugh when I think about it, lately that's been a lot.
So I went on this mission to find me some W-Tips. Nothing, Nowhere. Not even on e-Bay.
I did some searching around the internet and I find some contact info for Jake, who is now 25.
So, I e-mailed him last night, (not knowing if it would ever get read). Briefly telling him of my quest for the Holy W-Tips.
And he answered me!
Now this guy, lives in New York City, is active in radio, television, theater, writing, and hob-nobs with all the coolest people on the planet, and on a Saturday night in New York City...Jake, e-mails ME!
On top of that he tells me he forwarded my letter to Frankie, as well.
I'm feeling pretty special about right now.
I mean, last year I met SLAYER.
Last month I met Alice Cooper
And last night?
An E-mail from Jake!!!
Well, the only thing that's left right now is to find them damned W-Tips.
Am I cool yet?

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