I can't help it, sometimes I'm just JUMPY.
I came home last night from a long day of condescending to high maintenance video customers.
That can wear a person out.
My driveway is a bitch!
After the winding mountain trail thru the haunted Forrest, I have to make it up the final hill at the foot of my castle.
Recent weather has left it pure ice.
After one failed attempt at getting half way to the top and sliding all the way back to the bottom with the breaks on, I surrender and put the chains on my tires.
I beat the bitch!
I'm mentally bankrupt, physically drained, and not in my most cheery mood.
I'm tired, and relieved to be home.
I enter through the back door and step into the dark room that is the woodshed.
A voice...
"Don't have a heart attack."
...Yeah, right.
I Freak Out!
Immediately, I realize that there is a figure sitting in the corner in the dark, and
Speaking to me.
The next minute, I knew who it was.
But, in the seconds in between...
Then I yelled.
"What the Fuck, you stupid Fuck! What the Fuck you Trying to Do to Me?
I heaved my back pack at him and bitched some more, then went into the castle.
Most times I might laugh it off a little quicker, but I was not in the mood. Not last night.
I needed to be alone.
I needed to know that I was alone.
He is a good friend and I feel bad that I bitched at him.
At the same time I feel closer to him because I know that I can bitch at him.
And maybe... Inflict a little pain.
Friendships are weird but beautiful.
Last night?
I'm over it.
but, I'm still JUMPY.
and...He won't do it again!